Who doesn't love a good handbag? We know most of these iconic bags by their names. Speedy. Paddington. Birkin. Baguette. These leather accessories are often the prize jewel of some of the industries biggest fashion houses with often have a long wait list and are in high demand. While those bags are lovely (I mean we love a good vintage Speedy), but these handbags from Black-owned designers are just as iconic. Here's a list of 5 bags from Black-owned designers that should also be in your closet. #DiversifyYourCloset
SHOPPING TIP: Not surprisingly these bags sell out quickly too! Sign up for updates and keep your eye peeled for restock announcements 'cause you'll want to act fast.

The namesake brand from designer Brandon Blackwood, the collection offer timeless silhouettes, high quality detailing, and unparalleled materials. Every Brandon Blackwood piece relays a strong juxtaposition between being trend-forward yet lasting. There is a strong sensibility throughout every collection, and the Blackwood customer is not afraid to accessorize it. There's wait list for the iconic "End Systemic Racism" Bag

TELFAR is a unisex line Est in 2005 in NYC by Telfar Clemens. The iconic "Shopping Bag" is available in small, medium or large. Every bag is already sold out so you might as well go 'head and sign up to be notified when they're back in stock and available to purchase. They go very fast so click here and sign up now!

Pronounced vav•une and founded by designer Valerie Blaise in Brooklyn New York, VAVVOUNE is a passionately made leather accessories brand. Moods, moments of nostalgia, and functionality introduces inspiration. Making it a huge part of the creative operation and overall aesthetic. VAVVOUNE recently collaborated with Christian Siriano on a collection that debut during New York Fashion Week.

The chic handbag collection from designer Matthew Harris bares a true aesthetic of simplicity and minimalism, drawing inspiration from modern art for the modern woman.

Anima Iris is carefully handcrafted by seasoned professionals in Dakar, Senegal. Using centuries old African craftsmanship, artisans add a touch of unrivaled quality and attention to detail to create limited edition pieces. The leathers used are sourced in limited quantities, in keeping with the brands promise to sustainability and a zero-waste model. This ensures that no two creations are the same and no material is wasted.