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Amanda Garrigus | Fashion TV Expert

Amanda Garrigus

The Mae Jones #ChroniclesOfQuarantine continues as we check-in with fashion tv expert and journalist, Amanda Garrigus. ⁣

NAME: Amanda Garrigus (@amandagarrigus)⁣

WHAT HER IG BIO SAYS ABOUT HER: Lover of all things stylish. Writes and talks about fashion. Proud Mom of 2 beautiful girls. ⁣


MJ: Overall, how are you coping with quarantine? ⁣⁣

⁣AG: Overall I'd say I'm coping pretty well. It's hard, no question, but, all those hours I've spent over the last several years meditating, and learning to stay steady in the midst of chaos, are coming in handy now!⁣

MJ: What are you reading? Watching? ⁣⁣

AG: I just finished reading Nobody Will Tell You This But Me by Bess Kalb (@bessbessbell) and am clicking along with the memoir From Scratch by @TembiLocke. At the moment I'm watching Mrs. America and Belgravia. Both are so good!⁣


MJ: Any quarantine fashion or beauty purchases?⁣⁣

AG: Yes! I just made my first @xKarla purchase. It's a cropped, black hoodie and it's now my absolute favorite hoodie of all time! I also bought a cute puff sleeve t-shirt from @Reformation and a pair of @Paige jeans I've been eyeing for a while because they finally went on sale!⁣


MJ: What are you doing to stay creative during these times? ⁣

AG: Dressing up in bedding! Lol. Seriously, the Pillow Challenge and the Duvet Challenge were super fun to execute. But I'm also getting to shoot fashion segments for Access Hollywood on @NBC remotely from home which has been an absolute godsend and a joy.⁣⁣


MJ: Any advice for us sheltering at home right now?⁣

AG: Do something wonderful for yourself every, single, day! For me, that's meant exercising. I've been working out like crazy with various Instagram live sessions, especially those by @DogPound. It's really helped my mind as much as my body and has helped me to feel connected to the outside world!


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